Student Jobs

Work Part-Time

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Working part-time as a student can be a valuable experience at all class levels, generating income for your studies and developing skills for future opportunities. Even a job working as a waiter or a cashier develops skills that employers seek in various fields and industries. 

Jobs on campus can be beneficial for convenience and flexibility with your schedule, while jobs off-campus can sometimes be more lucrative. Use this page to guide your search.

Lightbulb icon  Learn how to practice #SafeSearch and avoid online job fraud so you Don't Get Scammed.

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Learn About Student Jobs

Building Experience Within

While you pursue your studies at UCSB as an undergraduate or graduate student, you may consider working a part-time job to boost yourself up. Whether the primary motivation to obtain a part-time position is financial (i.e., pay the bills, save up for the future, secure Work-Study benefits) or experiential (i.e., gain relevant experience, grow your resume, build new connections), there is usually a combination of factors.

illustration of a laptop being used to search for jobs

You may be seeking your first formal job experience and feel completely lost about this process, or you may have held several prior part-time jobs and want to explore new possibilities; regardless of your situation, you are in a good place. Your time as a UCSB student presents excellent opportunities to move forward through part-time job experience.

Before continuing, pause for a moment to consider your goals for your next job. What do you hope to gain from a new part-time position? What purpose is it serving for you at this point in time?

Like every step of your career, the jobs that you work while you are in school are integral to preparing you for the next step, so it is useful to proceed with intention. When you are ready, keep reading to learn how to find jobs that support your plans.

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