We are excited about your interest in hiring Gauchos! We have hundreds of students at any given time looking for full-time, part-time, on-campus, and internship opportunities. UCSB has more than 200 majors, degrees, and credentials offered through five schools and a graduate division. Whether you are looking to hire a Ph.D. researcher, a mid-level manager, or an entry-level employee, our talented students possess the right skill set to meet your hiring objectives.
Browse our tips and resources below to learn more about recruiting at UCSB and our premium recruitment platform, Handshake. We look forward to connecting you to our beautiful campus and helping you find the talent you need for your organization’s growth and success!
Recruiting Made Easy
Sign up for a Group Information Session and learn about ways to recruit at UCSB or, if you already know how you want to engage at UCSB, fill out the Employer Interest Form and let us know the events in which you wish to participate.
- Handshake
- Quarterly Career Fairs
- In-person and virtual information sessions
- Networking events and mixers
- Marketing/brand-building options
- Workshops and programming
- Alliance Program
- Sponsorship Opportunities
Start Recruiting Gaucho Talent
Begin Your Search Today

Companies who are most successful in recruiting and promoting at UCSB are constantly working to build a consistent presence on campus.

Handshake is UCSB’s online gateway to posting positions. Every student has access to Handshake and this is the first place they go when looking for opportunities.

An internship program can be a cost-effective method for identifying candidates for full-time hires and they become goodwill ambassadors for your intern pipeline.
Make sure students’ understand your brand, your values, and why your company is a good match.

Become a member and play a pivotal role in shaping the trajectory of UCSB students’ career achievements.
Build Your Brand
When marketing your company to UCSB students, make sure students understand your brand, your values, and why your company is a good match. We welcome you to engage with students outside the traditional recruiting services. Consider hiring an intern, participating in our job shadow program, connecting with student organizations, or volunteering your time to help students achieve career readiness skills.
The Employer Engagement Team looks forward to connecting you to our beautiful campus and helping you find the talent you need for your company’s growth and success! Reach out to us at Employer.Services@sa.ucsb.edu.
Create an Internship Program
An internship program can be a cost-effective method for identifying potential candidates for future, full-time hires. Interns also become goodwill ambassadors for your future intern pipeline. Don’t know where to start? We are experienced in internship program design and are happy to help! Review Hire an Intern for more information.
Connect with Student Organizations
Reach out to student organizations to coordinate guest speaking engagements, mentoring, and more. We recommend that you review the list and reach out to organizations that align with your recruiting strategy. Names and contact information for student organizations can be found on the Shoreline website powered by the Student Engagement and Leadership department. Some organizations have made their contact information public and some have not. You can also google search for an organization's website or social media page where you might be able to find contact information.
Participate in the Job Shadow Program
This program is temporarily unavailable. We hope it will be available in the 2024-2025 academic year.
The Gaucho Job Shadow Program is an opportunity to mentor UCSB students, spread branding and awareness of your organization and introduce students to your industry and job function. The program allows students to shadow an employer host for one day during Spring Break (late March), and to observe daily work, sit in on meetings and other activities, tour the facility, take informational interviews, or any other activity you deem beneficial for students to experience.
The Job Shadow Program is an unpaid student experience—what you provide are your time and insight. It is also an invitation-only program. If you are interested in being a host, please email Employer.Services@sa.ucsb.edu.
Help Students Become Career-Ready
Throughout the year, various opportunities come up which allow employers to connect on a more fundamental level with students. Organizations that are willing to host career-readiness programming gain an important connection with students. Be willing to host a skills workshop on resume building, interviewing, networking, etc. to interact with students on a deeper level. Please contact a member of the Employer Engagement Team to discuss your ideas, Employer.Services@sa.ucsb.edu.
DEI is Key - Showcase Your Inclusive Workplace
The generation currently entering the workforce, Generation Z, is said to be the most ethnically diverse generation in U.S. history. Today's college students expect their future employers to create a space for all potential employees. From the job description to your homepage, your recruiting materials should be transparent; illustrating your culture and reflecting your diverse and inclusive environment. In addition to these basic elements, these materials should include what offerings you have to embrace your diversity, from teams and groups to training and benefits. When you visit the campus, bring a diverse group of employees from all levels to engage a diverse pool of candidates and be prepared to answer questions about your inclusive practices and programs. Below are some resources to get you started:
Recruitment Resources
Tools for Recruiting Success
About UCSB
Helpful Information for About Our Campus
Contact Us
Building Access (M-F)
Building Access: 8:30 am- 4:00 pm
CRR Access: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Closed during official university holidays
See advising section for service-specific hours
Appointment Hours (M-F)
Peer Drop-In Hours: 10 am to 4 pm
Peer Appt Hours: 10 am to 4 pm
Counselor Appt Hours: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
See the Advising section for service-specific hours
Phone and Email
(805) 893-4412
Students: careerhelp@sa.ucsb.edu
Recruiters: employer.services@sa.ucsb.edu
Events: careerevents@sa.ucsb.edu
Location, Directions & Parking
Career Services is located in Building 599, the pink building next to Storke Tower
See Visit UCSB for campus info and directions. Parking in Lot 22 (permit required)
Mailing Address
Career Services, Bldg. 599
University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, California 93106-7140
Meet the Team
Get to know Our Team of staff members at Career Services
Services for: