Digital Resources Toolkit

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UCSB students and recent Alumni have special access to powerful self-paced tools, beyond the ones available to the public, on-demand to support your career development. You may have heard about these resources from around campus or another section of the Career Services website, and now you are ready to know more.

Use this page as your main hub to learn how to use each tool and login to your UCSB subscription.

  Lightbulb icon  Looking for Handshake, the premium job platform for Gauchos? Visit Handshake Help.

Using AI in Your Job Search

What you need to know when job searching with Artificial Intelligence

AI is a powerful tool that can be incredibly useful for your job search. It can assist you in crafting impressive resumes and cover letters, provide valuable interview preparation tips, and even help you stay updated on the job market. However, it's crucial to remember that while AI is a valuable resource, it does not know you as well as you know yourself. You need to be the source of your skills and experiences. AI is not infallible. Please always double-check the information it provides, protect your privacy, and consider it a supplementary tool alongside human guidance to ensure the best outcomes in your job search.

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  • Include your background, skills, and the type of job you're looking for clearly. Provide as much relevant information as possible so that the responses from AI are tailored to YOUR needs. Clarity is the key.
  • When entering your skills, use specific keywords and phrases related to your industry, job title, and qualifications. This will help the AI incorporate your skills and the job requirements and provide more accurate suggestions. There is much on the web regarding "prompting."  The quality and relevance of your prompts play a significant role in determining the accuracy and appropriateness of the response.
  • AI can assist you in drafting or refining your resume and cover letter. Provide the necessary details, and the model can help you structure your documents effectively. Never copy-paste AI-generated content, it might lack originality and contain inaccuracies. Use it as inspiration or a starting point, but always edit and personalize it significantly.
  • Prompt the AI to "Review this job description" and paste the job description into the AI prompt. Let the AI tools analyze the job listing and highlight key skills and keywords.
  • You can ask the AI app to "Write a resume for a recent <your major> graduate for this job." This will give you a good idea of what resumes for this job generally contain. When you write yours, it's important that you inject YOUR skills and credentials into your resume.
  • Type "Align and improve my resume by incorporating the job description" and paste your resume in. This can add keywords from the job description to your resume and rearrange it to highlight these areas. Based on your experience and the job description, AI may recommend relevant achievements you might have overlooked.
  • Type "Like a university career counselor, recommend five improvements to my resume using this job description." This can highlight areas you need to improve by giving examples of what you could add.
  • If you need to shorten your resume, try "Are there any unnecessary words or phrases in my resume?" or "Are there any unnecessary details in my resume?". Make sure items you find important are not being removed. Again, you know yourself better than the AI does.
  • Use AI to create multiple drafts with different tones or formats to spark your creativity and find the best fit for the position.
  • The AI app can then generate a cover letter that pulls from the job description. Additionally, you can provide skills you feel you excel in, additional information about experiences on your resume, facts about yourself that may give you an advantage over other candidates, and qualities about your personality. These will be incorporated into the cover letter. Prompt the AI to "Write a 5-paragraph cover letter for the job position with the company name and business type using the resume and extra skills provided, and in a formal tone".
  • Now have it "Rewrite the cover letter in a concise 3-paragraph format, making every word count." Compare the 3- and 5-paragraph versions and ask the AI to reinject any text from the 5-paragraph version you liked. You can submit "Reinject <text> into the cover letter," which will be reinserted perfectly. Make sure you and your experiences are reflected in the final letter.
  • You can use the AI to practice interview scenarios. Ask it to simulate an interview and provide ten common questions about your field by typing, "Like a recruiter, give me ten interview questions related to the job description".
  • Then ask it to answer each question based on your resume and cover letter to see where you are missing information about yourself. "Answer question #1 based on my resume and cover letter."
  • Asking questions about a company's culture and commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is crucial to understanding if it aligns with your values and expectations. Ask the AI for five questions that give you insight into a company's culture.
  • Ask a 4th generation chatbot for current news about the company to find some company updates. Then, generate three questions about each topic.
  • The AI can help you craft outreach messages for networking purposes. Whether you're reaching out on LinkedIn or via email, the model can guide how to approach professionals in your desired industry.
  • You can have it "Generate a step-by-step list of what I must do for an informational interview" to keep you on track of what you need to do. 
  • After you clarify your objectives for the informational interview and identify individuals to contact, have the AI "write a 300-character LinkedIn connection request to {recruiter's name} at {company}." 
  • Then you can use it to help you "Write a 3-paragraph introduction letter expressing my interest in speaking to {recruiter's name}. Focus on their career journey, industry insights, challenges, advice for newcomers, and any recommendations they might have for me."
  • You can also use your AI to "generate a targeted list of questions for me to ask {a CEO, recruiter, a manager, etc.} based on {the specific topics, job roles, and industries} I am interested in". 
  • Remember that not all AI have current information about your interviewee. Supplement your research with an AI that reads the web for current information.

Prompts that can help you prepare you for the next career fair.

  • {company name} is attending our career fair, tell me about them, and also include any newsworthy items.
  • I am graduating with a degree in {major}, how should I introduce myself to a recruiter at our career fair?
  • {company name} is attending our university's career fair, what kind of jobs and internships are they offering new graduates?
  • What questions would a recruiter for {company name} ask me at a career fair?

An AI app is a great tool to get started on your project, like writing a quick cover letter based on your resume and a job description. But it's up to you to make it yours. To insert YOU into the project.

  • Use specific keywords and phrases related to your industry, job title, skills, and qualifications. This will help the AI app incorporate your skills and the job requirements and provide more accurate suggestions. There is much on the web regarding "prompting." The quality and relevance of your prompts play a significant role in determining the accuracy and appropriateness of the response.
  • Review the resulting resume and make suggested updates. Then, review the resume for your voice. You may have difficulty discussing the resume if it doesn't sound like you.
  • AI can help you gather information about specific companies you're interested in. Ask about their culture, values, recent news, or anything else to help you tailor your applications and interviews. Do this on an AI that is scanning current events. "Tell me about the culture at Amazon Alexa and include recent news updates."
  • You might also want to check out Big Interview. It has thousands of interview questions, from the ones you hope you don't get to those you never thought about. You can use it independently and have your network review your answers (family, friends, etc.). Or you can include our career counselors, who will meet with you to review your session.

AI can also get you started on writing a quick cover letter based on your resume and a job description. But it's up to you to make it yours. To insert you into the project.

  • Be cautious when sharing personal information. Avoid sharing sensitive, personal, financial, or confidential data like your full address, phone number, and other personal identifiers in your interactions (if you paste your resume). The internet does not forget, and neither do AI apps.
  • A few preparation prompts to set up your AI are:
    • "Always add the confidence level to your answer."
    • "When your answer includes facts, always provide a valid URL with the source of your answers."
    • "If you speculate or predict something, inform me."
  • Be cautious when discussing sensitive or controversial topics, and frame prompts neutrally and respectfully.
  • When you input text or paste information into your AI, check that they are worded the way you want the text to read. Formal or informal, how your text reads plays a role in how the returned text sounds.

Remember that AI is a tool to assist you, but it's just one part of your job search process. Combining its insights with your own research, networking efforts, and other resources will help you achieve the best results in your job search journey.

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