Seize Your Superpower
Womxn are redefining today's workforce. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, ~50% of U.S. workers identify as womxn and ~40% of households’ primary earners are mothers. This has nearly quadrupled since 1960, as has the proportion of womxn with college degrees in the workforce.
We use the term, “womxn,” throughout this page to include all cisgender, transgender, and genderfluid womxn, and to acknowledge the intersectionality of gender. Career Services is dedicated to helping womxn students succeed in reaching career goals, navigating the workforce, negotiating salary, and working for organizations that honor individualized strengths. The information on this page is designed to support students with these priorities in mind.
Key Campus Resources @ UCSB
Discover Options: Womxn
For complete information on assessing yourself, choosing majors, and exploring careers, review our starter tips to Discover Options in all careers as well as the specialized tips on this page.
Finding Womxn Who Inspire You
In order to help yourself navigate occupational areas in which womxn are underrepresented, we recommend that you start early in seeking support, mentorship, and possibly sponsorship. Womxn who identify similarly to you may already have the jobs that you wish to pursue, or work for the organizations that you want to work for. They have experienced what you are about to go through, and have accumulated wisdom regarding what it takes to thrive in the professional world.
Did You Know?
Womxn own close to 10 million businesses in the United States.
While recent statistics from the U.S. Department of Labor show that U.S. womxn are well-represented in fields such as HR, social services, and education, many womxn also own businesses and have increased their representation in professional and managerial occupations.
You can learn from the experiences of those who have come before you. To get started, review our tips on how to Do Informational Interviews and look for womxn who are in key roles that you want to know more about. Some manners in which you can reach out to womxn in your field include: LinkedIn, Gaucho Network, and personal connections.
Learn More
For tips regarding how to build a strong mentor-mentee connection, check out the world-famous career empowerment website, Lean In.
Knowing Your Unique Value
As you consider your career plans, think about what your gender diversity brings to a position and organization. By speaking with other womxn in your field and reflecting on your individual assets, you will learn about the unique contributions you bring to the work environment, and how to best articulate that value to employers.
To further explore your value in the workplace, we recommend that you Take an Assessment through Career Services. These tools can help you understand and further enhance your interests, personality, strengths, and values, as well as learn how to apply them to your career.