Guide Your Education
Does your major have you musing? Whether you want to declare a major, change a major, or explore careers that relate to a major, there is a lot to discover about your future. Even more than just majors, available minors, academic programs, and specialized certificates at UCSB provide an eclectic mix of options to prepare for your goals.
We've simplified this process down to a few key steps. Use this page to launch into Majors and Beyond, including common outcomes to consider along the way.
Learn About Majors
Exploring Major Options
Deciding on a major can be an important and potentially difficult decision to make. Along with choosing to attend UCSB for your college education, your choice of major may be one of the most significant decisions of your life so far.
Each major at UCSB is housed within an academic department, typically within a division, which is housed within a college within the university. Specifically, UCSB comprises three colleges that provide entry points to undergraduate admission:
As you get started in exploring your major options, you can begin learning about the majors offered at UCSB through the below resources:
Undergraduate Major Directory
Academic Department Websites
Review the official list of undergraduate majors within each college at UCSB, approved by the Office of the Registrar. Pay special attention to course requirements.
Browse the directory of department websites associated with any major at UCSB. Get familiar with the available resources, staff, faculty, and career-related information.
Understanding Emphases and Concentrations
Some majors at UCSB offer an emphasis or concentration on a specific aspect of the major. These options can help you customize your studies within the major and offer an additional talking point when describing your studies to future employers and graduate programs.
It may be important to note that a concentration does not appear on your transcript or diploma from UCSB, whereas an emphasis appears on your transcript but not your diploma. Information does not have to appear on these official documents for you to describe your academics to future employers and graduate programs. Still, it does add validity for potential verification purposes.
Connecting With Academic Departments
One of the most valuable ways to learn about majors at UCSB is to connect with the academic departments that offer majors within your interests. You can receive email announcements from an academic department’s listserv, typically sent out multiple times per week by a department’s Undergraduate Advisor.
Information in email listserves often includes course updates, jobs/internships, or upcoming events. To request access, contact the Undergraduate Advisor for an academic department in which you are considering a major and ask if you can be added to the listserv.
Undergraduate Advisors within academic departments at UCSB can also help answer major-specific questions related to signing up for courses, establishing educational plans, and other steps for success in completing the major requirements.
When you are ready to learn more, meeting with the Undergraduate Advisor in the department that offers a major you are considering can be beneficial.
Take Action: Where to Go From Here
Suggested Steps for Success