LGBTQ Students

Seize Your Superpower

icon of five persons for communities

People who identify within LGBTQ communities often navigate their career development alongside sexual or gender identity development. Despite changes in LGBTQ policy and rights, however, many people feel uncomfortable coming out at work and encounter obstacles in the workforce.

Career Services is dedicated to helping you find employment and graduate school opportunities that empower you to be yourself and move our workforce forward. Use this page to begin reviewing how “out” you want to be in the job search and in the workplace, including intentional decisions about your resume, cover letter, interview, and more.



Key Campus Resources @ UCSB

Explore Grad School: LGBTQ Students

For complete information on graduate school search strategies and the application process, review our starter tips to Explore Grad School in all careers as well as the specialized tips on this page.

Inclusive Education

Finding an inclusive university for graduate and professional school is just as important as finding an inclusive workplace. Likewise, there are several resources to support this process.

The Campus Pride Index sets the bar higher for LGBTQ-inclusive policies, programs and practices. The index is owned and operated by Campus Pride, the leading national nonprofit organization for student leaders and campus groups working to create safer, more LGBTQ-friendly learning environments at colleges and universities. This resource is also supported under the Campus Pride Q Research Institute for Higher Education as well as benefits from strategic partnerships with professional organizations in higher education and related LGBTQ nonprofit organizations.

No matter which graduate school or field of study you choose to pursue, consider the support resources that are available to help you be successful.