Science + Health

Uncover Your Curiosity

icon of laboratory flask for careers in science + health

Do you find yourself drawn to inquisition with a strong urge for innovation towards advancements towards analytical resolution? Does the thought of being engaged in life and global improvements excite you? Perhaps you are on the path towards becoming a scientist!

With the world at your fingertips, UCSB presents you with a number of opportunities, resources, and experts to help you build your career in Science + Health. Whether your interests lie in the life and physical sciences, health professions, biotechnology, environmental studies, physical geography, or other areas that ignite you, a career in Science + Health can put you at the forefront of humankind's greatest discoveries and advancements.



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Get Hired: Clinical Healthcare

For complete information on job search strategies, resumes, cover letters, LinkedIn, interviews, and more, review our starter tips to Get Hired in all careers as well as the specialized tips on this page.

Utilizing Your Connections

When it comes time to find a clinical role, it will be helpful to speak to your professional connections about available opportunities. Since they are already connected in the field, they are likely aware of opportunities before they are advertised on platforms like LinkedIn, thus they can provide you with a referral and connect you directly to the hiring managers. In Clinical Health, many opportunities will come through word of mouth, thus we recommend developing your network and professional presence in Santa Barbara (or wherever you wish to work) early on. To begin connecting with other gauchos, go to the UCSB Alumni LinkedIn page, and perform a targeted search for clinicians. 

Learn More

Read about making targeted connections and conducting informational interviews for help with this very important piece of your job seeking process.


The Job Search

As you prepare for entering the workforce, it is important to understand the skills required for different positions of interest, and where you fall in the qualifications. It is important to implement these searches early, as they can inform you about what skills you need to gain before it comes time to apply. Since most entry-level positions require additional certification, you have time to develop these skills. 

To begin your job search, we recommend starting on Handshake, where you can easily create a filtered search to narrow down your search results. Additionally, implement an advanced job search utilizing key words like “Medical Assistant” on Indeed and LinkedIn


It is beneficial to implement these job searches early on, as the search engines will begin recommending positions which best align with your interests. Additionally, you can create customized job alerts for positions of interest so that you know shortly after the jobs are posted.

Landing a Position

Landing an entry-level position in Clinical Healthcare is a similar process to landing one in any other field.  Your experience and skills and certifications are very important, which you will articulate in your resume, cover letter, and during your interview(s). When you apply to positions, we recommend tailoring your resume and cover letter to each individual position you apply for. To do this, move the most related experiences to the top of the resume under its own section. For example, if you are interviewing for a position at Cottage Hospital, you can create a section that includes your volunteer hours at its facilities.  Then, in your cover letter, draw a connection between the company’s mission and your values as a professional. This will help you stand apart from other candidates and increase your chances of landing an interview. 

When you land an interview, there is more work to do. A great way to prepare yourself is by conducting informational interviews of your own. By speaking with professionals in the organization, or those holding a position similar to the one you are pursuing, you can learn more about the knowledge and skills necessary to carry out day-to-day operations. Utilize this to your advantage, and selectively highlight experiences that will bring these skills to light for the interviewers. In essence, an interview is the hiring manager's attempt to visualize you in their work environment; make this as easy as possible for them.

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