Welcome to the Winter Quarter!

New Goals: Energize, Explore, Excel!


Career Services is available to students in person and in virtual formats:

Four arrows icon  Starter Topics

Begin Your Journey Here


Student reading a book

Discover Options

Compass icon
  Learn about your future options to explore careers, majors, and other academic offerings at UCSB

people working in the field

Gain Experience

Staircase icon
  Build your qualifications through research opportunities, internships, jobs, and extracurricular activities

Person searching for jobs on laptop

Get Hired

Checkmark icon
  Land your next position with the best search strategies, resume, cover letter, LinkedIn, and interview skills

Student studying on lawn

Explore Grad School

Graduation cap icon
  Understand the essentials of going to graduate school and walk through the steps to apply

Three arrows icon  Specialized Topics

Personalize Your Path to Move Forward


Student walking on a path

Career Paths

Path icon
  Move beyond the basics and learn how to navigate a number of career paths commonly pursued by UCSB students

Students walking. on a path


Communities icon
   Develop your whole self by honoring, appreciating, and employing various aspects of your identity

Grad student reading

Grad Students

Book icon
  Master your career readiness with advanced information that complements your expertise as a current graduate student

Career Alliance Program

Alliance Program Intro

Consolidated Electronical Distributors

Consolidated Electrical Distributors, Inc.

Cottage Health

Cottage Health


The premium platform for Gauchos to find jobs, internships, and career connections

Student Login

Alumni Login >>

Recruiter Login >>

Enhance Your Handshake

3 Steps to Maximize Your Success at UCSB

Highlight your education, experiences, and other qualifications to showcase yourself to potential employers when they search for candidates. For the best results, upload a public resume and set your profile to be visible to employers!

See Details

Fill out a brief survey in your account to let us know your current interests in different fields, industries, and sectors. Keep your selections up-to-date and receive information about opportunities that match your interests!

See Details

Create a custom search that meets your specific criteria for jobs or internships based on keywords, location, and other filters. Then, save your search to ensure you are the first to know when a new position is posted!

See Details


Friday, January 28

Engineer Your Future

Jan 30

Interview Strategies for Success

Feb 11

On-Campus Opportunities Fair
Exploring Majors
Exploring Majors

Feb 12

Exploring Majors & Career Paths

Feb 25

Interview Strategies for Success