
Seize Your Superpower

communities icon of five persons

Womxn are redefining today's workforce. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, ~50% of U.S. workers identify as womxn and ~40% of households’ primary earners are mothers. This has nearly quadrupled since 1960, as has the proportion of womxn with college degrees in the workforce.

We use the term, “womxn,” throughout this page to include all cisgender, transgender, and genderfluid womxn, and to acknowledge the intersectionality of gender. Career Services is dedicated to helping womxn students succeed in reaching career goals, navigating the workforce, negotiating salary, and working for organizations that honor individualized strengths. The information on this page is designed to support students with these priorities in mind.



Key Campus Resources @ UCSB

Explore Grad School: Womxn

For complete information on graduate school search strategies and the application process, review our starter tips to Explore Grad School in all careers as well as the specialized tips on this page.

Womxn in the Field

If you are considering pursuing further education in the form of a graduate degree, certificate, or advanced training, it is never too late to advance your career. Before committing to any specific program, speak with womxn who hold the position that you seek in the long-term. This will ensure that you have a strong understanding of the type of preparation that will best suit you. 

When researching graduate programs, you may want to look into resources offered to womxn by the campuses that you consider attending. Similarly to UCSB, some institutions provide support in the form of a center for womxn, campus organizations, or other networking opportunities. When applying for graduate school, consider the support that works best for you, and research the schools where that is available.


Learn More

Review our Grad School 101 page for general considerations about graduate school.